John McCain
McCain staffers
McCain cheerleaders
Lindsey Graham
Arlen Specter
Olympia Snowe
Susan Collins
Chuck Hagel
George Voinovich
Mel Martinez
John Warner
Tom Ridge
Tom Kean
Christie Todd Whitman
Colin Powell
Trent Lott
Richard Lugar
John Sununu
Tom Davis
Lamar Alexander
Charlie Crist
Bob Taft
Mike DeWine
Mitt Romney
Mike Huckabee
Tim Pawlenty
Scott McClellan
Sean Hannity
David Brooks
Bill Kristol
David Frum
George Will
Peggy Noonan
Ramesh Ponnuru
Kathleen Parker
Michael Steele
Orrin Hatch
Judd Gregg
Warren Rudman
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Quote of the Day (Week, Month, Year)
Here is the best description of moderate/lib/big-tent/country-club/RINO/maverick “Republicans” that I’ve seen in a long time –
“Your entire existence is defined as living off of conservative votes and then stabbing those voters in the back. You’re like some tapeworm in the Conservative intestine…draining resources, selfishly sustaining yourself at our expense…until we sh*t you out.”
Tapeworms Republicans. Yep, that’s it exactly, “my friends.”
“Your entire existence is defined as living off of conservative votes and then stabbing those voters in the back. You’re like some tapeworm in the Conservative intestine…draining resources, selfishly sustaining yourself at our expense…until we sh*t you out.”
Tapeworms Republicans. Yep, that’s it exactly, “my friends.”
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Put Not Your Trust in Man or the World
So, while the State of Washington votes for a ballot measure for physician-assisted suicide, America has voted for politician-assisted suicide.
Wow, dude — you really think it that dire?
Yeah, I do. The storm clouds are nearly upon us. The tsunami tidal wave is just over the horizon. We’ve been talking about the slippery slope for many years now — well, eventually you’ve gone so far as to slip off the slope and into the abyss. When things as fundamental as truth have been, not only relativized, but turned into something that can be applied or not applied, or wholly manufactured out of whole cloth, at the will of those having power — government, politicians, media, academia — when truth no longer exists as truth, then we are past even a dictatorship.
Perhaps the problem is that we have been guilty of the same error as the “progressives,” who think that we can and should create a utopian paradise here on earth. We conservatives have long held to the idea that America is a “shining city on a hill,” that we are a beacon of hope and liberty to the world. If that was ever true, then it surely has been the rarest of exceptions in the history of mankind. We have had it really good in this “land of liberty” for a long time, and we perhaps have allowed ourselves to falsely believe that this is the way it has always been and always will be, here and everywhere. In our zeal for natural rights, we have perhaps failed to see the world as it really is in practice. If we take a truthful look, we must see that freedom has been the exception in the world, and that, more often than not, the bad beats the good. (That will not be the case in the end, but it has been the case in the meantime.)
In short, perhaps we must come out of our dream and realize that being in the oppressed minority is the (worldly) usual state of things. And that our trying to create a conservative utopia, a conservative Kingdom of God on earth, is as much a folly as is a progressive utopia and Kingdom.
Perhaps we must realize that, although we may be in the world, we are not of the world. We are strangers in a foreign land. We are merely sojourners passing through the shadow of the valley of death. We pass our days on earth, but are citizens of heaven. Perhaps it is time to remember that. All of this — America included — will inevitably turn to dust. So we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which do not decay or decline, we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which are eternal and incorruptible. Trust Him and only Him.
Wow, dude — you really think it that dire?
Yeah, I do. The storm clouds are nearly upon us. The tsunami tidal wave is just over the horizon. We’ve been talking about the slippery slope for many years now — well, eventually you’ve gone so far as to slip off the slope and into the abyss. When things as fundamental as truth have been, not only relativized, but turned into something that can be applied or not applied, or wholly manufactured out of whole cloth, at the will of those having power — government, politicians, media, academia — when truth no longer exists as truth, then we are past even a dictatorship.
Perhaps the problem is that we have been guilty of the same error as the “progressives,” who think that we can and should create a utopian paradise here on earth. We conservatives have long held to the idea that America is a “shining city on a hill,” that we are a beacon of hope and liberty to the world. If that was ever true, then it surely has been the rarest of exceptions in the history of mankind. We have had it really good in this “land of liberty” for a long time, and we perhaps have allowed ourselves to falsely believe that this is the way it has always been and always will be, here and everywhere. In our zeal for natural rights, we have perhaps failed to see the world as it really is in practice. If we take a truthful look, we must see that freedom has been the exception in the world, and that, more often than not, the bad beats the good. (That will not be the case in the end, but it has been the case in the meantime.)
In short, perhaps we must come out of our dream and realize that being in the oppressed minority is the (worldly) usual state of things. And that our trying to create a conservative utopia, a conservative Kingdom of God on earth, is as much a folly as is a progressive utopia and Kingdom.
Perhaps we must realize that, although we may be in the world, we are not of the world. We are strangers in a foreign land. We are merely sojourners passing through the shadow of the valley of death. We pass our days on earth, but are citizens of heaven. Perhaps it is time to remember that. All of this — America included — will inevitably turn to dust. So we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which do not decay or decline, we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which are eternal and incorruptible. Trust Him and only Him.
The Future
The knives are going to have to come out, and we must do what we failed to do back in 1992. And it is that failure that has largely brought us to where we are today.
Back then, we should have rid ourselves once and for all of the squishy, stab-you-in-the-back, big-tent, elitist, snobby, moderates and liberals that have been the disease of the Republican Party. We failed to do it, and they have now brought to the brink of ruin. Even though they succeeded in having one of their own nominated, and demanded that we all fall in line and support him, now they are all scurrying away, turning their fire on their favorites targets — not the opposition, but their own side.
Very well then. If they mean to have a war, then let the blood run.
But won't a doctrinally pure GOP be increasingly marginalized in the wider wicked world?
Conservative principles attract people, not repulse them. Modern conservativism, in its truest, most pure sense, is based on truth and reason, especially the truths about the human person and liberty. Modern conservativism, which is grounded largely in the philosophy of this Nation’s founding, is where most people in this country naturally are. Most people are drawn to true conservativism because they are naturally drawn to truth and reason.
One of the greatest errors of the modern age has been the error of big-tent Republicanism — this idea that most people are opposed to true conservativism, so we have to make the Republican Party more attractive by countering those conservatives (especially those embarassing social conservatives) with moderates and liberals. But that kind of strategy, of not having any core principles, of implicitly opposing your own ideology, and of trying to appeal to everyone, does not attract centrists or moderate Dems, it only validates their opposition to Republicans.
Me-too Republicanism, Republicanism that is nothing more than more efficient liberalism or socialism, is doomed to failure. Republican clubism, promoting and voting Republican merely because they are “our” team, regardless of what they stand for, is also doomed to failure.
I have voted Republican, and was once a member of that party, only because it was a convenient vehicle by which to advance conservative principles of governing. That is the reason for being of the party — to advance conservative principles, principles of liberty, human dignity, and limited government. Merely electing more Republicans and merely stopping Democrats is NOT the party’s reason for being. So when you have, to use David Brooks’ term, a cancer in the party, as is the moderates and liberals like Brooks, you must cut it out and radiate or else the party will die — and deservedly so if all the Republican Party stands for is Democratism by a different name.
Are we sliding into the abyss?
Are we in the midst of the act of slow national suicide?
Is there some self-inflicted disease that is continually eroding and degrading our social body?
I don’t know. Maybe we are.
If so, is it any surprise? Can a people survive when they have been killing their children for 35 years?
The one thing I do know for certain — it is folly to place your trust in man. If we look to any human institution to be our savior, we are only ensuring our demise.
We must remember that we are a pilgrim people in a strange, foreign land.
Back then, we should have rid ourselves once and for all of the squishy, stab-you-in-the-back, big-tent, elitist, snobby, moderates and liberals that have been the disease of the Republican Party. We failed to do it, and they have now brought to the brink of ruin. Even though they succeeded in having one of their own nominated, and demanded that we all fall in line and support him, now they are all scurrying away, turning their fire on their favorites targets — not the opposition, but their own side.
Very well then. If they mean to have a war, then let the blood run.
But won't a doctrinally pure GOP be increasingly marginalized in the wider wicked world?
Conservative principles attract people, not repulse them. Modern conservativism, in its truest, most pure sense, is based on truth and reason, especially the truths about the human person and liberty. Modern conservativism, which is grounded largely in the philosophy of this Nation’s founding, is where most people in this country naturally are. Most people are drawn to true conservativism because they are naturally drawn to truth and reason.
One of the greatest errors of the modern age has been the error of big-tent Republicanism — this idea that most people are opposed to true conservativism, so we have to make the Republican Party more attractive by countering those conservatives (especially those embarassing social conservatives) with moderates and liberals. But that kind of strategy, of not having any core principles, of implicitly opposing your own ideology, and of trying to appeal to everyone, does not attract centrists or moderate Dems, it only validates their opposition to Republicans.
Me-too Republicanism, Republicanism that is nothing more than more efficient liberalism or socialism, is doomed to failure. Republican clubism, promoting and voting Republican merely because they are “our” team, regardless of what they stand for, is also doomed to failure.
I have voted Republican, and was once a member of that party, only because it was a convenient vehicle by which to advance conservative principles of governing. That is the reason for being of the party — to advance conservative principles, principles of liberty, human dignity, and limited government. Merely electing more Republicans and merely stopping Democrats is NOT the party’s reason for being. So when you have, to use David Brooks’ term, a cancer in the party, as is the moderates and liberals like Brooks, you must cut it out and radiate or else the party will die — and deservedly so if all the Republican Party stands for is Democratism by a different name.
Are we sliding into the abyss?
Are we in the midst of the act of slow national suicide?
Is there some self-inflicted disease that is continually eroding and degrading our social body?
I don’t know. Maybe we are.
If so, is it any surprise? Can a people survive when they have been killing their children for 35 years?
The one thing I do know for certain — it is folly to place your trust in man. If we look to any human institution to be our savior, we are only ensuring our demise.
We must remember that we are a pilgrim people in a strange, foreign land.
The Inevitable Happens
Now do you McCain folks see why we went ape-sh*t when he became the inevitable nominee?
Look, when you got one guy attacking and running against the Republicans, and you got the other guy who is a rabid, pro-abortion Marxist, the Republican ticket hasn’t got a chance.
That there was no one better who was running, for that, too, McCain should be held to answer. He spends the last seven years fragging his own party, giving the opposition cover for attacking conservatives and Republicans, including legitimizing Bush-hate, with the result of not gaining the respect of Dems and independents, and only sabotaging the Party, so is it any surprise that any possible up-and-coming stars out in the states were snuffed out in the crib and, thus, not in a position to run?
Time to settle all family business. The McCain camp, big-tent moderates, anti-Palin elites. Give them the Carlo Rizzi treatment. It’s not personal, it’s strictly business.
It is John McCain and his “maverickism” that blew a gaping hole in the Republican Party; it was McCain and his anti-Bushism that helped foster and feed totally irrational Bush-hate, thereby dragging down, not only Bush, but conservatives and the entire Party; it was McCain and the Gang of 14 and the rest of the “Republican” moderates that have decimated the Party.
It was this idea, for way, way, way too long of “let’s not do that,” that we must have a big tent and must support and elect a whole bunch of people on the Republican ballot who are antithetical to Republican and conservative principles, that left us with nary a single viable candidate for president this year. It was maverickism and big tentism that left us with a tent full of squishes and worms and slick used car salesmen.
This idea that McCain would be the Dems’ worst nightmare, because he is so loved by Dems and independents, pushed on us by elites and those who know better than anyone else (like the Maverick), was a blatently obviously falacious idea from the get-go because it was clear that they would all abandon him as quickly as they could. It was clear to all who had eyes to see that the most likely outcome was total ruin. And that is what McCain has brought us.
Well, if we have now crashed and burned, the wisest thing to do would be to rebuild the right way, to purify, and not repeat the mistakes of the past.
In case you all think that all my venom is directed toward McCain, his “moderate” friends, and the sh*t-for-brains elites, if folks are worried about what President Obama is going to do, let not your heart be troubled.
I’m sure that if Sean Hannity only keeps pounding away on Rev. Wright and William Ayers a couple more thousand times, the country will see Obama for who he really is.
If only we had run that play a few more times. After all, when it failed to work the first 17,342 times it was run, surely it would have worked the next time!
Looks like the laugh is on us, as we have been suffering under the total delusion that, in the fight against Communism, we won and the Commies lost. The truth is, more and more, it is apparent that we lost.
Let’s not forget, comrades, in true Communism, it is not the government that controls everything, rather, it is the Party that controls everything, especially the media. Is there any institution of American society that is not controlled by the Party? The media, the schools, the courts, the government, the entertainment industry, much of industry — all of these are controlled by the Party. Even some of our religious denominations have been infiltrated and controlled by Party members. Meanwhile, too many of the non-Party members have sold them the rope to hang us all.
Look, when you got one guy attacking and running against the Republicans, and you got the other guy who is a rabid, pro-abortion Marxist, the Republican ticket hasn’t got a chance.
That there was no one better who was running, for that, too, McCain should be held to answer. He spends the last seven years fragging his own party, giving the opposition cover for attacking conservatives and Republicans, including legitimizing Bush-hate, with the result of not gaining the respect of Dems and independents, and only sabotaging the Party, so is it any surprise that any possible up-and-coming stars out in the states were snuffed out in the crib and, thus, not in a position to run?
Time to settle all family business. The McCain camp, big-tent moderates, anti-Palin elites. Give them the Carlo Rizzi treatment. It’s not personal, it’s strictly business.
It is John McCain and his “maverickism” that blew a gaping hole in the Republican Party; it was McCain and his anti-Bushism that helped foster and feed totally irrational Bush-hate, thereby dragging down, not only Bush, but conservatives and the entire Party; it was McCain and the Gang of 14 and the rest of the “Republican” moderates that have decimated the Party.
It was this idea, for way, way, way too long of “let’s not do that,” that we must have a big tent and must support and elect a whole bunch of people on the Republican ballot who are antithetical to Republican and conservative principles, that left us with nary a single viable candidate for president this year. It was maverickism and big tentism that left us with a tent full of squishes and worms and slick used car salesmen.
This idea that McCain would be the Dems’ worst nightmare, because he is so loved by Dems and independents, pushed on us by elites and those who know better than anyone else (like the Maverick), was a blatently obviously falacious idea from the get-go because it was clear that they would all abandon him as quickly as they could. It was clear to all who had eyes to see that the most likely outcome was total ruin. And that is what McCain has brought us.
Well, if we have now crashed and burned, the wisest thing to do would be to rebuild the right way, to purify, and not repeat the mistakes of the past.
In case you all think that all my venom is directed toward McCain, his “moderate” friends, and the sh*t-for-brains elites, if folks are worried about what President Obama is going to do, let not your heart be troubled.
I’m sure that if Sean Hannity only keeps pounding away on Rev. Wright and William Ayers a couple more thousand times, the country will see Obama for who he really is.
If only we had run that play a few more times. After all, when it failed to work the first 17,342 times it was run, surely it would have worked the next time!
Looks like the laugh is on us, as we have been suffering under the total delusion that, in the fight against Communism, we won and the Commies lost. The truth is, more and more, it is apparent that we lost.
Let’s not forget, comrades, in true Communism, it is not the government that controls everything, rather, it is the Party that controls everything, especially the media. Is there any institution of American society that is not controlled by the Party? The media, the schools, the courts, the government, the entertainment industry, much of industry — all of these are controlled by the Party. Even some of our religious denominations have been infiltrated and controlled by Party members. Meanwhile, too many of the non-Party members have sold them the rope to hang us all.
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