Saturday, October 15, 2016

For Those Who Have Forgotten

From a David Limbaugh April 4, 2000, review of the Peggy Noonan book, “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” --
What is Clintonism? It is not a political ideology, but “the ethos, style, and character of the Clinton administration.” It is about “maximum and uninterrupted power for the Clintons.” Note that it is not about only Bill or only Hillary. Noonan does a masterful job of demonstrating the symbiotic relationship between the two. They are mutually dependent and enabling. They are partners in power.

Clintonism sees America as “the platform for the Clintons’ ambitions, not the focus of them.” They are the kind of people who pursue greatness for the sake of attaining fame and acquiring the label of greatness, instead of quietly achieving greatness by doing great things.

For the Clintons, any ends justify the means of advancing their careers. As a result, deception, abuse of power, scandal, smearing opponents and ruining perceived political enemies is their joint legacy. In standing for Clintonism, the Clintons “have made the American political landscape a lower and lesser thing.”

A longtime friend of Hillary’s, a political ally who “had been inclined to like Hillary,” but ultimately “couldn’t” . . . depicted Hillary and Bill as joint narcissists. “They have done a particular kind of mind-meld.” The lady described the Clintons as being empty and miserable apart from their power — as people who derived their sense of self-worth from public adoration. That’s the key to understanding why they won’t just go away and leave us alone. They are hooked on adulation. “He cannot live a genuinely private life. Neither can she. So they must be in ours. ... Which makes their private plight our public problem.” . . .

Together [the Clintons] have used the office and power of the presidency to destroy innocence and idealism and institutionalize cynicism. Instead of using their position and circumstances to do wonderful things, they have degraded everything around us and have further debased our culture.

From the Washington Times, November 3, 2000 --
What is Clintonism? It is less a political philosophy than a power philosophy. Reduced to a bumper sticker, it reads, "The Ends Justify the Means." As a practical policy, it expresses itself in blatant lies and stonewalling, threats and character assassination, Internal Revenue Service audits of opponents and the menacing of inconvenient women. In its ill-concealed contempt for congressional subpoenas and court orders, it betrays a disturbing executive disregard for the legislative and judicial branches of government, whose powers, of course, are essential to our system of checks and balances. As a guiding national ethos, its corrosive impact on society hasn't yet been fully reckoned, but its success to date is what makes this election so crucial.

Is Clintonism America's future? Considering how comfortably well-off most Americans are, the question may fall on indifferent ears. Maybe the question should be: Can Clintonism hurt America? There are many ways to answer this affirmatively. We can look at the rise of cheating among school children who seem to have learned from Mr. Clinton and his loyal-to-a-fault vice president that crime does pay; or we can consider, painfully, the numbing sexual practices of teen-agers whom Mr. Clinton, through his grotesque indiscretions, has robbed of their innocence (not to mention the rest of us). But are there more palpable, perhaps more immediate threats to the nation that may also be put down to the amoral roots of Clintonism? . . .

What about the law? What about checks and balances on the executive branch? What about the Constitution? These, alas, are just some of the casualties of Clintonism.

Friday, October 14, 2016

The Evil of Clintonism Must be Stopped

While all this venom is being spewed and directed toward those who call themselves Republican or otherwise vote that way, what about the Democrats?

My dear Democratic friends, please do your country, your world, and your party a favor by driving as many wooden stakes as possible into Hillary's heart. You must be the ones to do it. With Republicans being forced to try to do it, voting for a guy few people really want, once again you are feeling the obligation to support her, thus endangering your own souls.

Hillary's idea of "change" is to turn back the clock. That's not change, that's only ensuring more of the same. More of the same duplicity, more of the same disingenuousness, more of the same viciousness. Please Dems, get rid of her now! Effect real change. End Clintonism Now!

I made this exact same plea, in these exact same words which I cut and pasted from comments originally made January 2, 2008, remembering what it was like 1992-2000. I still remember. Let's not take our country backwards to those nightmarish days.

That election season, I even voted for Obama in the primary in order to rid this world of the Clinton plague. Why?

On January 29, 2008, I wrote -- Hate and bile and indignation and anger and resentment for perceived wrongs are the number one characteristics of the Clintons lo these many years. And they are corrosive -- they corrode not only the intended targets, but the users as well. More and more we read in places like The Nation and Daily Kos and other left organizations that Dems have always known the Clintons to be malicious liars and demonizers, but that they looked the other way when the targets were Republicans, and now they no longer want to associate themselves with such Clinton slime.

Even if Hillary gets the nomination, no one will enthusiastically vote "for" her, and even if she wins, no one will authentically and sincerely cheer. Even Dems know that, if she is elected, they will feel nauseous at the prospect of four or more years of Clintonism.

As for me, the enemy of my enemy is (when appropriate) my friend. The greatest issues this country is facing are (1) the continued inhuman barbarity of legal abortion, (2) the threat to Western Civilization from radical Islam, and (3) the continuing corrosiveness and division resulting from Bill and Hillary Clinton's ascension to national prominence in 1991.

This is why I was so disgusted with the nomination of that unmitigated disaster John "Maverick" McCain.

Hillary has not improved with age. The Clintons are just as toxic as they have ever been. If you think that Hillary is preferable to the boorish, obnoxious Republican nominee, well you should realize that he is merely a fruit of Clintonism. Hillary is a primary architect of today's politics.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

What I Said Eight Years Ago -- Which Was Proven Right -- Needs to be Repeated

Originally posted November 5, 2008

Put Not Your Trust in Man

So, while the State of Washington votes for a ballot measure for physician-assisted suicide, America has voted for politician-assisted suicide.

Wow, dude — you really think it that dire?

Yeah, I do. The storm clouds are nearly upon us. The tsunami tidal wave is just over the horizon. We’ve been talking about the slippery slope for many years now — well, eventually you’ve gone so far as to slip off the slope and into the abyss. When things as fundamental as truth have been, not only relativized, but turned into something that can be applied or not applied, or wholly manufactured out of whole cloth, at the will of those having power — government, politicians, media, academia — when truth no longer exists as truth, then we are past even a dictatorship.

Perhaps the problem is that we have been guilty of the same error as the “progressives,” who think that we can and should create a utopian paradise here on earth. We conservatives have long held to the idea that America is a “shining city on a hill,” that we are a beacon of hope and liberty to the world. If that was ever true, then it surely has been the rarest of exceptions in the history of mankind. We have had it really good in this “land of liberty” for a long time, and we perhaps have allowed ourselves to falsely believe that this is the way it has always been and always will be, here and everywhere. In our zeal for natural rights, we have perhaps failed to see the world as it really is in practice. If we take a truthful look, we must see that freedom has been the exception in the world, and that, more often than not, the bad beats the good. (That will not be the case in the end, but it has been the case in the meantime.)

In short, perhaps we must come out of our dream and realize that being in the oppressed minority is the (worldly) usual state of things. And that our trying to create a conservative utopia, a conservative Kingdom of God on earth, is as much a folly as is a progressive utopia and Kingdom.

Perhaps we must realize that, although we may be in the world, we are not of the world. We are strangers in a foreign land. We are merely sojourners passing through the shadow of the valley of death. We pass our days on earth, but are citizens of heaven. Perhaps it is time to remember that. All of this — America included — will inevitably turn to dust. So we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which do not decay or decline, we should place our trust and hope in those persons and things which are eternal and incorruptible. Trust Him and only Him.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Are you surprised?

Really?? You shouldn't be. It was all foreseen.