Friday, February 27, 2009

Obama's Workers' Paradise Will be a Cesspool

Part of the problem is that Dems, libs, leftists, Marxists, Obamaists, etc. seem to think that businesses, employers, and "the rich" get their money the same way that government does -- they either (1) steal it from others or (2) they simply print it.

As a result, (1) it is only "fair" to disgorge them of their ill-gotten gains, or (2) it causes them no harm since they can simply go print whatever money needs to be paid in taxes (or in additional minimum wages or regulatory costs). I don't know how many times you need to go up to them and knock them on the head saying, "Hello? McFly?" before they begin to understand that businesses, employers, and "the rich" actually have to get their money from somewhere, and if they have to pay it to the government or have extra costs imposed by government, then that leaves less money to hire employees, and less money to invest in companies that hire people, and less money to buy things from businesses that employ people.

Obama's bullet train to Marxism will cost jobs.

Moreover, the Dems, libs, leftists, Marxists, Obamaists, etc. seem to think that businesses, employers, and "the rich" are as brain dead as their entitlement-mentality constituency is, and that they will simply bend over and take it. Actually, what is going to happen is that government will take in far less than the numbers quoted as a result of these tax rate hikes. The affected people will simply work less and produce less, resulting in less tax revenues, not more.

For example, in my own business, I have worked less and less over the last couple of years because, over a certain amount (a measly $32,550), I have to pay about half of what I earn to the government. Every dollar over that amount is subject to 25 percent federal income tax, plus 15.3 self-employment tax (Social Security, etc.), plus about 5 percent state income tax equals an over-45 percent tax rate. Then, if I actually spend that dollar, add in sales taxes of 5 to 10 percent. So, for every extra dollar I earn, I have to give 50-55 percent to the government.

Stated another way, I am forced to labor nearly an hour for the government for every hour I am allowed to work for myself. Screw that! It ain't worth it. I live a simple life. Extra money is nice, but I don't need it (at present), so why the hell should I put in all that extra work only to give half to the government? My time is worth more to me than the money. As a result, I have reduced my workload, thus reducing the taxes actually received by the government.

Millions of others have figured it out as well, and they will do the same thing -- they will simply work less and the expected revenues will not be seen.

I repeat my prediction from a few days ago -- we could very well see the economy naturally pick up by the end of the year. But then, when the Obama spend-a-thon really kicks in, it will strangle the infant recovery in the crib. We will see a little uptick, only to be followed by crash and burn.

Then we will see what Osama, Al Qaeda, Ahmadinejad, Putin, Chavez, et al. have in store for us.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Obama to America: "You Got My Money? I Want My Money! Where's My Fucking Money, Man? Give Me My Money!"

Don’t look now, but after passing the spendulus and increasing the deficit by astronomical amounts, and while tax cheats infest the Obama Crime Family, here comes confiscatory taxation, together with the leg-breakers -–

Obama to Unveil an Ambitious Budget Plan

President Obama is putting the finishing touches on an ambitious first budget that seeks to cut the federal deficit in half over the next four years, primarily by raising taxes on business and the wealthy and by slashing spending on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, administration officials said. . . . Obama expressed determination to "get exploding deficits under control" and described his budget request as "sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline.". . . Obama also proposes "a fairly aggressive effort on tax enforcement" . . .

Why are you surprised? You knew it was coming. So what if he is the one who caused those exploding deficits? He can do whatever the hell he wants, and it's up to us to pay for it.

Now the country has got to come up with Barry's money every week, no matter what. Business bad? Fuck you, pay me. You had a fire? Fuck you, pay me. The place got hit by lighting? Fuck you, pay me. Also, Barry could do anything. Especially run up bills on the joint's credit. Why not? Nobody from his crew is gonna pay for it anyway.

Barry Obama's a made guy, so give him his damn money!

Don't cry about it. Don't whine about it. Just bend over and pay the man! You're his bitch now.

Go clean yourself up. You're disgusting, bitch.

Friday, February 13, 2009

How a Spendulus Bill Becomes Law

Here, sign this.

What? Sign what? What is this?

Just sign it.

Well, what does my signature mean?

It means you agree. SIGN IT.

But . . . what does it say? What's in this?

How many times to I have to say it? SIGN THE DAMN THING! You don't need to read it. You don't need to know what's in it. JUST AGREE, DAMN IT!

Oh, OK.

Idiot Growth, Urban Hell-Holes

Dear Leader has decreed, “Building sprawl stops now!”

This is part of the neo-Stalinist “Smart Growth” agenda, which aims to make us all live in high-rise, concrete hell-holes, packed in, one on top of the other in hyper-density “urban villages,” where it is so crowded that it is impossible to use an automobile and you must, instead, either walk everywhere or use public transportation, where you can only go where the government allows you to go, and only when they allow you to go there, if they provide you the service at all. In short, forcing everyone to live in inner-city ghettos.

They will justify it on things like the environment, but to them, grey concrete is the new green, tall buildings blocking the sun is the new open sky, the sound of your neighbor’s activities is the new bird song, and being a slave to public transportation is the new freedom of movement. They saw the hyper population denisty in Soylent Green and they thought they were seeing paradise.

This is EXACTLY what the neo-Stalinist left is doing to Arlington and other parts of Northern Virginia, which are increasingly coming under one-party dictatorial rule. They have allowed developers to cause an explosion of growth in some very small areas. Of course, all of this insane growth is making the cost of living actually more expensive, not more affordable. Many of Arlington’s roads have become a parking lot so that, while they are on the one hand demanding that the auto companies produce a 50-mpg fleet, their “green” transportation policies are resulting in people actually getting about 10 mpg in cars that were made to get 25-30 in the city, due to all the idling while stopped and stop-and-go traffic.

If I wanted to live in the damn city, I would have moved there in the first place, don’t ya think??? But I moved to Arlington precisely to have that small-town atomosphere combined with the nearness of the city if one chose to go there. Much of that small-town aspect is gone, replaced by the “let’s turn this into New York City” mindset of the leftists who have moved here from the North, who have the lockstep support of those who moved here from “south of the border.”

How about Leftist Sprawl Stops Now?? Can we try that?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Seventh Century Redux

Man translates Quran without providing parallel Arabic version. Who does this guy think he is to promote his own works as holy scripture, Allah himself?

2 Afghans face death over translation of Quran

KABUL (AP) — No one knows who brought the book to the mosque, or at least no one dares say.

The pocket-size translation of the Quran has already landed six men in prison in Afghanistan and left two of them begging judges to spare their lives. They're accused of modifying the Quran and their fate could be decided Sunday in court.

The trial illustrates what critics call the undue influence of hardline clerics in Afghanistan, a major hurdle as the country tries to establish a lawful society amid war and militant violence.

The book appeared among gifts left for the cleric at a major Kabul mosque after Friday prayers in September 2007. It was a translation of the Quran into one of Afghanistan's languages, with a note giving permission to reprint the text as long as it was distributed for free.

Some of the men of the mosque said the book would be useful to Afghans who didn't know Arabic, so they took up a collection for printing. The mosque's cleric asked Ahmad Ghaws Zalmai, a longtime friend, to get the books printed. But as some of the 1,000 copies made their way to conservative Muslim clerics in Kabul, whispers began, then an outcry.

Many clerics rejected the book because it did not include the original Arabic verses alongside the translation. It's a particularly sensitive detail for Muslims, who regard the Arabic Quran as words given directly by God. A translation is not considered a Quran itself, and a mistranslation could warp God's word.

The clerics said Zalmai, a stocky 54-year-old spokesman for the attorney general, was trying to anoint himself as a prophet. They said his book was trying to replace the Quran, not offer a simple translation. Translated editions of the Quran abound in Kabul markets, but they include Arabic verses.

The country's powerful Islamic council issued an edict condemning the book. "In all the mosques in Afghanistan, all the mullahs said, 'Zalmai is an infidel. He should be killed,'" Zalmai recounted as he sat outside the chief judge's chambers waiting for a recent hearing.

Zalmai lost friends quickly. He was condemned by colleagues and even by others involved in the book's printing. A mob stoned his house one night, said his brother, Mahmood Ghaws.

Police arrested Zalmai as he was fleeing to Pakistan, along with three other men the government says were trying to help him escape. The publisher and the mosque's cleric, who signed a letter endorsing the book, were also jailed.

There is no law in Afghanistan prohibiting the translation of the Quran. But Zalmai is accused of violating Islamic Shariah law by modifying the Quran. The courts in Afghanistan, an Islamic state, are empowered to apply Shariah law when there are no applicable existing statutes.

And Afghanistan's court system appears to be stacked against those accused of religious crimes. Judges don't want to seem soft on potential heretics and lawyers don't want to be seen defending them, said Afzal Shurmach Nooristani, whose Afghan Legal Aid group is defending Zalmai.

The prosecutor wants the death penalty for Zalmai and the cleric, who have now spent more than a year in prison.

Sentences on religious infractions can be harsh. In January 2008, a court sentenced a journalism student to death for blasphemy for asking questions about women's rights under Islam. An appeals court reduced the sentence to 20 years in prison. His lawyers appealed again and the case is pending.

In 2006, an Afghan man was sentenced to death for converting to Christianity. He was later ruled insane and was given asylum in Italy. Islamic leaders and the parliament accused President Hamid Karzai of being a puppet for the West for letting him live.

Nooristani, who is also defending the journalism student, said he and his colleagues have received death threats. "The mullahs in the mosques have said whoever defends an infidel is an infidel," Nooristani said.

The legal aid organization, which usually represents impoverished defendants, is defending Zalmai because no one else would take the case. "We went to all the lawyers and they said, 'We can't help you because all the mullahs are against you. If we defend you, the mullahs will say that we should be killed.' We went six months without a lawyer," Zalmai said outside the judge's chambers.

The publisher was originally sentenced to five years in prison. Zalmai and the cleric were sentenced to 20, and now the prosecutor is demanding the death penalty for the two as a judge hears appeals. . . .

Zalmai pleaded for forgiveness before a January hearing, saying he had assumed a stand-alone translation wasn't a problem. "You can find these types of translations in Turkey, in Russia, in France, in Italy," he said. . . .

Read the rest here.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"My vas pokhoronim!" (We will bury you)

While Joe Biden is in Munich apologizing for the United States, indicating that we will abandon the people of Poland and the rest of Eastern Europe, just as the Obama Administration has indicated that it is abandoning the people of Iran, and proclaiming that we shall have "peace for our time," Vladimir Putin is laughing in his face and treating Barack Obama as if he were Jimmy Carter. To be sure, Putin and Russia see the Obama Administration's words and action for what they are -- weakness.

Without even waiting to hear how President Barack Obama intends to conduct his relations with Moscow – something that Joe Biden, his vice-president, may well address on Saturday at the annual Munich Security Conference – the Russian leaders have thrown down the gauntlet.

First, they leaked details of naval and air bases to be established on the shores of the Black Sea in the breakaway Georgian province of Abkhazia, whose independence is recognised by Moscow alone. Then they signed an air defence treaty with the former Soviet republic of Belarus, apparently paving the way for an anti-missile defence system to counter one planned by the previous US administration across the border in Poland. Moscow appears to have persuaded the Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan to oust the US from its air base at Manas, outside Bishkek. . . .

Oksana Antonenko, senior fellow for Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London, believes all the actions are part of a pattern, intended to provoke a US reaction, and give Russia more bargaining chips in negotiating a new relationship with Washington. “In Russia there has never been any euphoria about Obama as there has been in the rest of Europe,” she says. “Russia is still very mistrustful of the US, and Putin profoundly so.

“But there is an overwhelming view in Moscow now that the Americans are in decline and will be forced to negotiate with Russia from a position of weakness. They seem to expect all the concessions to come from Obama."

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

President Obama Just Tired of Being in the White House, Including the Oval Office

Only two weeks after he was sworn in, President Obama already had to get away.

With little notice, the president and first lady Michelle Obama bolted the gated compound of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in their tank of a limousine on Tuesday. They ended up at a Washington public school, greeted by children who could not care less about the collapse of a Cabinet secretary nomination.

"We were just tired of being in the White House," the president candidly told the gleeful second-graders at Capital City Public Charter School.

"We got out! They let us out!" Mrs. Obama said as the kids and their teachers laughed.

In addition to not liking the White House, apparently President Obama does not even like going to the Oval Office. You know, to maybe do his job? And this despite the fact that he has cranked up the heat to turn the Oval Office into a greenhouse, apparently that is his idea of a green initiative (while people in Kentucky freeze to death, literally).

MATTHEWS: Brian, you‘ve been in the room with other presidents going back several years, now, in different capacities as a news person. Did you have any sort of reading on the atmospherics? It‘s warmer in there, literally warmer in that Oval Office now.

WILLIAMS: It is incredibly warm there. HVAC must be working extra hard on it. Because it was a real complaint he had coming in. Then we had lights on, today. It was like a terrarium in there. Number two, Chris, you‘ve been in there a lot as well. The detritus of the presidency is not there. I actually wrote on my blog today if I had to guess, looks like he‘s not using the Oval, certainly not for day to day work yet. No tchockes, no family photos. Nothing on the credenza. He hasn‘t picked out all his artwork yet. Those dishes still in the cabinets. He said on the record he‘s not a dish guy. Remember, he also hasn‘t used Marine One, Air Force One or Camp David yet. He just discovered the bowling alley a few nights back. They have -— Say what you will about the quality of the work and the policies but they have devoted as many waking hours to just working without settling in as arguably any modern presidency apparently.

MATTHEWS: Feng shui presidency. Thank you Brian Williams.
